Thursday, March 20, 2008

A day at the park....

It was a beautiful 70 degree day here in Dallas today so we went to the park today after school with my Moms Group and boy did we have fun!

Jake is such a ham! He loves to smile and say cheese!

I can not believe that he climbed across this foot ladder without falling - he must have done it 5 times. Kinda funny that one time a really big kid met him right in the middle and I just watched the big kid stare him down, not willing to budge. But Jake held his own! He just stood there and stared right back up at him - not budging either! The big kid finally turned around and went back the other way. (Now I realize that Jake had no idea what to do - he didn't understand how to go back and I think the big kid realized that he just a little guy and gave him a break). But, in my mind - Jake is a superhero!

Hmmmm, I wonder what he is thinking about?? Ryan is such the thinker whereas Jake is such a meathead like his Dad! (said with so much love) It is amazing to see Ryan do the wall climbing at this park - they have 3 really big ones and whereas he used to just go up one level - he goes all the way up AND over now!

Moon brothers...

Well, here they are! So sweet and obviously having fun together. Ryan loves to ride Jake around on his motor toys - although Jake can reach the peddles on both - but drives right for the pool! We have to turn the wheel so he just goes around in a circle - but he seems happy with that!

You know, one huge difference in them is the way they respond to animals. Ryan takes after Tom. They love the horses and our dogs - but do not feel inclined to love ON them. Now Jake - he takes after me - he is constantly petting the dogs, laying with the dogs, kissing the dogs. I will find him just laying with both of them talking up a storm - like they are his people friends! He reminds me of me so much in this area - I loved laying with our dogs and hugging on them when I was a kid (and still do). Really neat to see his loving side (which does not come out very often!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I live in the country....

Sometimes I forget that I live on a beautiful piece of property and tonight Tom made me take it all in. As usual, I was pulling my hair out while the boys were terrorizing each other, the house and me! Tom came home and I just burst out in tears and after a few moments he grabbed my jacket - put it on me. Grabbed a beer and gave it to me. Opened the back door and told me to go out to the pond - sit on the dock - throw my feet over the side and enjoy the outdoors.

And I did.

And it was wonderful! I just sat there and listened to the birds, the horses and the water and it really did calm me. I wish I had more moments like this in my life. Thank goodness I have a husband that makes me stop and smell the roses (or the horse poop) once in awhile.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I no longer have babies....

Well, today I took "Baby" Jake's crib down. He has been crawling out for about a week now and I guess it was time. Last night after putting him to bed in his crib - I walked out of his room and of course he crawled out - cried at the door for about 15 seconds and then all was quiet. I wondered where he ended up?

About an hour later I go in to see where he had fallen asleep and there he was on the floor in between the crib and his big boy bed flat on his back with the covers meticulously spread over him with his feet sticking out and arms stretched above his head snoring like no one's business!
He was sooo cute - I picked him up and put him in his big boy bed and he slept all night.

I am not sure how I feel about it - it is bittersweet. He is no longer a baby.

I remember the day when I was pregnant with Ryan that Tom and I went shopping for a crib. It seems like forever ago. We were so excited to be parents. Now, the Moon house does not have a crib in it. Don't get me wrong - I DO NOT want any more children - I am looking forward to this new stage in our life. (Now I just have to get everyone to wipe their own ass!) :)