Monday, August 13, 2007

The world is not a nice place sometimes.....

Well - the blog will be slow for awhile as the wonderful digital camera that my awesome husband gave to me on my birthday this past June was STOLEN! I just can not believe it! And of all places? A kids playhouse! Very upsetting to me - but I am glad that I walked out with my children and not my camera instead of my camera and not my children! I know that it was just something monetary but it still SUCKS!

See you all soon.......


Dana Lynne said...

Man, that BITES! May I ask what kids playhouse this was??? I'm so sorry!

Mommy & Daddy of 3 boys said...

Again, I'm soooo sorry that it was stolen! I feel so bad since it was my idea to go! But the two boys had a blast! Mine told his daddy when we got home, "The Clubhouse is more fun than Chuck E. Cheese! It's my new favorite place!!"

Amberly said...

Jennifer, I am so sorry!!! You were so excited about that camera & even inspired me to get a similar one! That is so maddening!