Friday, January 25, 2008

Exhibition night at the boys school!

Tonight the boys had an exhibition night for all the parents. It was quite an event! The parents went into the classroom with their child and they showed us some of the things that they work on throughout the day. Well, the school asked that you give your child your undivided attention during this time and to make sure we were prompt with coming and going as other classes still had to come. Well that is great if you only have one kid! How am I suppose to do this with 2 kids while Tom is out of town? Jake's class was scheduled to go at 6pm and Ryans at 6:30. So, to be fair to both the boys (and for me to be guilt free) this is what I had to do: Asked a friend to meet me in the parking lot of the school at 5:45pm - she climbed in our van and sat with Ryan watching a DVD while I took Jake in - after we were done and I chased him down and took him out to the van and exchanged him with Ryan! Whew! I give the single parents out there a shout out - cuz man - it ain't easy! Well, here are the boys showing me their work in the classroom as well as what is on display in the gym.

Jake was so cute - he got his mat out and unrolled it - went to the shelves and pulled out his favorites - animals!

Here is Jake (wearing one of his hats!) showing off his artwork.

Here is Ryan - showing me how the binomial cube works! The what? Binomial cube? How old are you? Time was up and we had to move to the gym and Ryan went running - so I tried to finish it and could not figure it out! I had to leave it out because I could not do it and then had to tell the teacher - how embarrassing! (She told me that normally Ryan puts it together in 2 min!) I am in TROUBLE!

And here Ryan is showing off his color bead chart. The color beads in Montessori teach you how to add!

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Yeah really... binomial WHAT?! Smart little guy!!

They are adorable, Jenn! Tell them Samuel & Nick miss them! And, of course, I MISS YOU!!!!!