Friday, April 4, 2008

Bad to the bone....

Well, I've lost him! Ryan is officially "bad to the bone"! Tom has tatooed him and he is showing us his tuff side! Watch out girls!

Moms Weekend Away!

Every mom should do it! Get away for
the weekend with their friends that is!
I had the opportunity to go to Austin, TX
with 7 of the moms from my moms group.
We had a blast! Here we are on 6th Street
at Logan's!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A day at the park....

It was a beautiful 70 degree day here in Dallas today so we went to the park today after school with my Moms Group and boy did we have fun!

Jake is such a ham! He loves to smile and say cheese!

I can not believe that he climbed across this foot ladder without falling - he must have done it 5 times. Kinda funny that one time a really big kid met him right in the middle and I just watched the big kid stare him down, not willing to budge. But Jake held his own! He just stood there and stared right back up at him - not budging either! The big kid finally turned around and went back the other way. (Now I realize that Jake had no idea what to do - he didn't understand how to go back and I think the big kid realized that he just a little guy and gave him a break). But, in my mind - Jake is a superhero!

Hmmmm, I wonder what he is thinking about?? Ryan is such the thinker whereas Jake is such a meathead like his Dad! (said with so much love) It is amazing to see Ryan do the wall climbing at this park - they have 3 really big ones and whereas he used to just go up one level - he goes all the way up AND over now!

Moon brothers...

Well, here they are! So sweet and obviously having fun together. Ryan loves to ride Jake around on his motor toys - although Jake can reach the peddles on both - but drives right for the pool! We have to turn the wheel so he just goes around in a circle - but he seems happy with that!

You know, one huge difference in them is the way they respond to animals. Ryan takes after Tom. They love the horses and our dogs - but do not feel inclined to love ON them. Now Jake - he takes after me - he is constantly petting the dogs, laying with the dogs, kissing the dogs. I will find him just laying with both of them talking up a storm - like they are his people friends! He reminds me of me so much in this area - I loved laying with our dogs and hugging on them when I was a kid (and still do). Really neat to see his loving side (which does not come out very often!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I live in the country....

Sometimes I forget that I live on a beautiful piece of property and tonight Tom made me take it all in. As usual, I was pulling my hair out while the boys were terrorizing each other, the house and me! Tom came home and I just burst out in tears and after a few moments he grabbed my jacket - put it on me. Grabbed a beer and gave it to me. Opened the back door and told me to go out to the pond - sit on the dock - throw my feet over the side and enjoy the outdoors.

And I did.

And it was wonderful! I just sat there and listened to the birds, the horses and the water and it really did calm me. I wish I had more moments like this in my life. Thank goodness I have a husband that makes me stop and smell the roses (or the horse poop) once in awhile.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I no longer have babies....

Well, today I took "Baby" Jake's crib down. He has been crawling out for about a week now and I guess it was time. Last night after putting him to bed in his crib - I walked out of his room and of course he crawled out - cried at the door for about 15 seconds and then all was quiet. I wondered where he ended up?

About an hour later I go in to see where he had fallen asleep and there he was on the floor in between the crib and his big boy bed flat on his back with the covers meticulously spread over him with his feet sticking out and arms stretched above his head snoring like no one's business!
He was sooo cute - I picked him up and put him in his big boy bed and he slept all night.

I am not sure how I feel about it - it is bittersweet. He is no longer a baby.

I remember the day when I was pregnant with Ryan that Tom and I went shopping for a crib. It seems like forever ago. We were so excited to be parents. Now, the Moon house does not have a crib in it. Don't get me wrong - I DO NOT want any more children - I am looking forward to this new stage in our life. (Now I just have to get everyone to wipe their own ass!) :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

So this is a conversation that Ryan and I had as I was dropping him and Jake off at school yesterday, Valentine's Day:

Ryan: Mom are you coming to my school valentine's party?
Me: Yes, Ryan.
Ryan: Are you coming in now?
Me: No Ryan - I will be back at 10am.
Ryan: Why don't you come in now?
Me: Mommy is still in her pajamas and she has to go home and take a shower and then I will come to your party.
Ryan: Oh.

(we pull up to the schools carpool line and as I stop a teacher comes to get the boys)

Teacher: Good morning!
Ryan: My mom is still in her pajamas and she has to go home to take a shower before she comes to the party!
Me: Completely humiliated!

(another teacher comes out)

Teacher 2: Good morning!
Ryan: My mom is still in her pajamas and she has to go home to take a shower before she comes to the party!
Me: Still completely horrified!

Gotta love them and their honesty!

Here are a few pics from a Valentine's playdate they had the day before.....

Ryan is on the right - eating a cookie that he just decorated!

Now Jake, on the other hand, chooses to eat his differently!

And there is the smile that we all love!

Friday, January 25, 2008

We Miss You Daddy!

Tom is out off town and the boys made this sign for him and wanted me to put it on the blog so he can see it in Costa Rica!
We miss you!!! Hugs and Kisses!

Exhibition night at the boys school!

Tonight the boys had an exhibition night for all the parents. It was quite an event! The parents went into the classroom with their child and they showed us some of the things that they work on throughout the day. Well, the school asked that you give your child your undivided attention during this time and to make sure we were prompt with coming and going as other classes still had to come. Well that is great if you only have one kid! How am I suppose to do this with 2 kids while Tom is out of town? Jake's class was scheduled to go at 6pm and Ryans at 6:30. So, to be fair to both the boys (and for me to be guilt free) this is what I had to do: Asked a friend to meet me in the parking lot of the school at 5:45pm - she climbed in our van and sat with Ryan watching a DVD while I took Jake in - after we were done and I chased him down and took him out to the van and exchanged him with Ryan! Whew! I give the single parents out there a shout out - cuz man - it ain't easy! Well, here are the boys showing me their work in the classroom as well as what is on display in the gym.

Jake was so cute - he got his mat out and unrolled it - went to the shelves and pulled out his favorites - animals!

Here is Jake (wearing one of his hats!) showing off his artwork.

Here is Ryan - showing me how the binomial cube works! The what? Binomial cube? How old are you? Time was up and we had to move to the gym and Ryan went running - so I tried to finish it and could not figure it out! I had to leave it out because I could not do it and then had to tell the teacher - how embarrassing! (She told me that normally Ryan puts it together in 2 min!) I am in TROUBLE!

And here Ryan is showing off his color bead chart. The color beads in Montessori teach you how to add!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So lately, Jake has had an infatuation with winter hats (like the one he is wearing at the park a few posts ago). This is obviously something that he has inherited from his Great Grandma Helen - her passion for hats! He carries them all over! Around the house, in the car, to the dinner table and now he has to have them to go to bed! He chants over and over - hat, hat, hat! He has one in each hand - snuggles them up to his face and tells me nite nite! I have to say it is the cutest thing! Ryan has his blue blanket and now Jake has his hats!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Puzzle Playdate!!

Well, today was MLK day so the boys were out of school ~ so we hosted a puzzle playdate with the Moms group I belong to! We had a blast! Puzzles were being made all over the house and well kids were running all over too! It was great to be able to host again - I love having all the kids over (the moms too!).

Ryan and his buds - and sweet Hannah - the only girl at the playdate - but don't let her size fool you - she can hold her own with these boys.

Okay so we have how many tv's in the house? They HAD to watch Toy Story on the little DVD player of course!

The little ones takin a break!

I just love Jake's laugh here. He felt so cool being with the older boys!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Let's try this again....





Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beautiful weekend in Texas!

We all had such a nice weekend - the weather was beautiful - 60's in January! My mom and I went out for lunches, dinners, movies and shopping! The kids had a great time playing with Grandma and showing her where they went to school and especially their classrooms and teachers.

I will post pics later as blogspot is not able to upload right now! :( AND, I am off to have margaritas with the girls! :) C ya!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My mom is coming! My mom is coming!

That's right! My mom is coming down to Texas for a visit (and to see a specialist) this weekend! I can not wait to see her - the kids are soooo excited too! I will post some pics of our weekend.......

Monday, January 7, 2008

Over 4 months since my last post

Well, it has been awhile, hasn't it? So much has been happening that I have not had a chance to stop and take a breath. I have wanted to start posting so many times, but I just did not know how to jump back in after what has been happening. I have wondered whether to post about it or not - what is the right thing to do? I read through all my posts and remember how much I enjoyed sharing stories and pictures of us. So tonight is the night. I have this to say....

My dad is gone and my mom is facing breast cancer - all in 2 months time. Not fair. Not fair at all. It continues to be a tough time in my life, but I will keep moving forward.

This is all I am going to say about this - I will keep this blog for precious and happy moments in my life. It brings me joy to share our life with our family and friends that live so far away. So, forgive me if this is slow going, but I would like to start sharing with you all again.

I would be remiss if I did not thank everyone for their love and support. Thank you.